XMTG-2001 series temperature controller applies special technique to resist interference and
adopts ON/OFF control.It has high precision,good reliability,strong cushioning,easy installation
and so on. This controller is widely used as temperature measurement and control automatically
in light and heavy industry, such as metallurgy,chemical,electronic,machinery,textile,plastic,
refrigeration,medical treatment,electric oven, and so on.
II.Technical specification:
1. Display method: LED display directly
2. Basic error: ≤ 1.0%FS± 1B
3. Fixed point error: ≤ 1.0%FS
4. Cold end compensating deviation: 0~50ºC deviation<2ºC
5. Time proportional adjustment: Scope 1%~3%, period: 30S± 10S
6. Output contact capacity: AC 220V 3A(resistance load)
7. Power Supply: 90VAC-242VAC, 50Hz/60Hz
8. Power consumption less than 3W
9. Work environment: Temperature 0~50.0, relative humidity85%RH, without corrode.
10. External dimensions(mm): 48*48*85 hole size: 44*44
Model meaning
X M (1)(2) - (3)(4)(5)(6)
1: Display control method: "T" temperature controller; "Z" single display instrument
2: Size
Empty: 160× 80× 50 Installation hole 152× 76; A: 96× 96× 150 Installation hole 92× 92
B: 60× 120× 150 Installation hole 56× 116; D: 72× 72× 110 Installation hole 68× 68
E: 48× 96× 110 Installation hole 44× 92; F: 96× 48× 110 Installation hole 92× 44
G: 48× 48× 110 Installation hole 45× 45; H: 80× 160× 150 Installation hole 76× 156
3: Operation display method
'1'potentiometer setting, entire measurement distance display;
'2'push-numerical code switch seeting, entire measurement distance display.
4: Master control method
'0'ON/OFF adjustment; '1'ON/OFF differential control (dead space enlargement)
'2'2-ON/OFF adjustment; '3'time proportional ON/OFF adjustment; '5'Solid state relay adjustment'6mono-phase trigger adjustment; '7'mono-phase over zero trigger adjustment
'8'3-phase over zero trigger zdjustment; '9'continuous PID standard current signal output
5: An additional alarm
Blank or '0': Indicates no alarm '1': Upper limit touch alarm; '2': Lower limit touch alarm;
'3': Upper, lower limit touch alarm;
6: Input signal classification:
'1'thermocouple; '2'thermresistance; '3'mV signal; '4'resistance signal
'5'standard current signal; '7'humidity sensor
Suffix 'D'30A big power relay